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TANAH JAMBU, Thursday, 02 May 2024 – The Defence Academy Royal Brunei Armed Forces (DA RBAF) held a Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration this afternoon that took place at the Ceremonial Hall, DA RBAF.

Present as the guest of honor was Colonel Pengiran Sharifuddin bin Pengiran Haji Yusof, Commandant of DA RBAF. The Ceremonial hall was festively decorated with an ‘open house’ concept by the officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Corporal club, civilian member and the officer cadets of Intake 23. The event was also delightfully entertained by a live band.

This celebration endeavors to strengthen the close relationship of DA RBAF among officers, non-commissioned officers and civilian members to enjoy and come together for a memorable and vibrant Raya celebration that fosters a sense of unity and appreciation in conjunction with the gracious festive month of Syawal.